
Chart of Medicare Part A and Part B
What’s the difference between Medicare Part A, B, C, and D?

What’s the difference between Medicare Part A, B, C, and D? As you approach your 65th birthday, understanding Medicare becomes crucial for your healthcare planning. Medicare is a federal health insurance program designed for seniors and certain younger individuals with disabilities. However, with its various parts and options, Medicare can seem complex at first glance.…

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How to Enroll in and Use Medicare: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Enroll in and Use Medicare: A Comprehensive Guide 1. Introduction If you’re a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident over the age of 65, you’re eligible for Medicare coverage. Medicare is a federal health insurance program that covers a variety of medical expenses, including hospitalization, doctor’s visits, and prescription drugs.In this guide, we’ll…

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10 Things Original Medicare Does Not Cover

Original Medicare, through its Part A (hospital insurance) and Part B (medical insurance), covers the central part of your health care needs after age 65. However, there are several areas that Original Medicare does not cover – and which you should know about so you can be prepared to handle them, one way or another. Here are some of those areas and possible solutions.

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