Part A

When to Apply for Medicare

When to apply for Medicare, Knowing when to apply for Medicare can be a confusing topic for many beneficiaries. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about when and if to apply for the different types of Medicare. Who needs to apply for Medicare? You may not need to sign up for Original Medicare,…

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Coroavirus update

UPDATES FROM CMS- Coroavirus update You’ve likely heard about the Coronavirus (officially called “2019-Novel Coronavirus” or “COVID-19”) in the news. While there isn’t a vaccine yet and the immediate health risk remains low, Medicare is still here to help. Your Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers a test to see if you have Coronavirus. This…

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Inpatient hospital care (Part A)

Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) covers inpatient hospital care when all of these are true: You’re admitted to the hospital as an inpatient after an official doctor’s order, which says you need inpatient hospital care to treat your illness or injury. The hospital accepts Medicare. In certain cases, the Utilization Review Committee of the hospital approves…

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What Part A covers

  What Part A covers If you’re in a Medicare Advantage Plan or other Medicare plan, your plan may have different rules. But, your plan must give you at least the same coverage as Original Medicare. Some services may only be covered in certain settings or for patients with certain conditions.   In general, Part A…

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