Medicare Basics

There are two main ways to get Medicare coverage:

1) You can choose Original Medicare ( Parts A and B), which is provided by the federal government . Original Medicare includes Part A for Hospital stays and Part B for Doctor visits, or you can choose a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan from a private insurance company ( ) . Medicare Advantage plans include Part A and Part B coverage, and many also include prescription drug coverage as well as additional benefits, such as routine hearing and vision care.

2) You will pay a share of your costs . Original Medicare does not pay for everything, and there is no limit on your out of pocket costs. No matter what type of Medicare plan you choose, you will pay a share of your costs through monthly premiums, deductibles, co-pays and co insurance.

3) Medicare supplement insurance plans help pay some of your out-of-pocket costs.
Medicare supplement insurance plans, which are sold by private insurance companies.-, help pay for some of the expenses not covered by Original Medicare, like deductibles and co-pays.

4) There are two ways you can get coverage for prescription drugs.
     You can enroll in a stand alone Part D prescription drug plan to go with your Original Medicare coverage, Part D plans are sold by private companies. ( )

You can also enroll in a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan that includes perscription drug coverage . Part C plan are sold by private companies (

5) Know the choices in your state.

    Original Medicare  ( Part A and B) is the same across the United States.

    Medicare Advantage ( Part C) plans and prescription  drug  (Part D ) plans may be available in      only certain countie, states or regions. Medicare supplement insurance plans help pay some of your out-of-pocket costs . They travel with you nationwide. Not all plans are available in all states.

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